Shun acts that can breed disunity, crisis, Ambode tells Christians

…CAN Lauds Gov, Says Lagos Progressing Despite Recession
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on Saturday enjoined Christians to continue to make conscious efforts to sustain the peaceful atmosphere across the country, urging them to also refrain from acts capable of breeding division and igniting avoidable crisis.
The Governor, who spoke at the 2017 Inter-Denominational Divine Service organised by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) at the Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Obanikoro, Lagos, said he was absolutely convinced that the success stories his administration has recorded so far were made possible by the collective prayers of all Lagosians and more importantly the relatively peaceful atmosphere that has prevailed within the State over time.
“Every situation whether good or bad requires prayers. For us in Lagos State, we have been truly blessed. Indeed, we have enjoyed His grace which has enabled us as a State, to experience unprecedented breakthroughs inspite of economic recession. For instance, a lot of investments and new businesses have come into our State in the last twenty-one (21) months and there are many more in the process.
He therefore urged Christians to lead from the front and continue to pray for not just the progress of the State but the nation at large, just as he assured that his government will continue to promote fairness, justice and everything that will make life more comfortable for Lagosians.
“At this critical period in the history of our nation, the church and indeed everyone who believes in the efficacy of prayer have a responsibility and patriotic duty to pray for the wellbeing and progress of our State and nation. Prayer is the master key and there is no challenge that cannot be surmounted with prayers.
“We remain committed to the goal of making the Lagos work for all; making all our communities economically viable and liveable as well as creating opportunities for everyone to actualise his/her potentials, without discrimination on the basis of ethnic affiliation, religious beliefs or socio- economic circumstances. By His grace, Lagos State will continue to prosper and our nation will rise again and become a pride to the entire black race and humanity,” Governor Ambode said.
The Governor, who also expressed his delight to be part of the service, commended the Chairman, Executives and entire membership of CAN in Lagos, for sustaining the initiative which has become a yearly event that brings Christians from different denomination to worship and pray together.
Earlier, Chairman of CAN, Lagos State Branch, Apostle Alexander Bamgbola thanked Governor Ambode for finding time to grace the occasion, noting that it was the first time in the history of the service that a Governor of Lagos State of the Christian faith would be attending the programme personally.
Bamgbola also lauded the Governor for the several laudable projects he had initiated since he assumed office, saying that Lagosians were greatly feeling the impact across the State.
“We wish to let you know here today that we are proud of the wonderful and excellent work that the Lord is using you t do in our dear state of Lagos. In less than two years, God has used you to do great work that every well-meaning Lagosian is commending daily. It is self-evident that truly: ‘Itesiwaju Eko lo jewa l’ogun”, the CAN boss said.
Corroborating him, Rev. Sunday Matilukuro who gave the sermon, said he was particularly amazed on how Governor Ambode was able to surmount the early challenges his administration faced to deliver life changing projects across the State.
“When I was in my former station, we were reading about the traffic jam all over Lagos and I was wondering what was happening, but when I came on visit to Lagos, I was wondering what the noise was all about because what I was seeing was different. You are gradually transforming Lagos to the megacity that it is,” Matilukuro said.
Speaking on the theme, ‘Grace in a Recession’, the cleric urged Christians to seek the face of God and shun sin if they must rise above recession to succeed.


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