NECO releases Nov/Dec 2016 SSCE results

HE National Examinations Council on Tuesday released the results of the 2016 November/December Senior |School Certificate Examination.
The Registrar/Chief Executive of NECO,Prof. Charles Uwakwe, said at the council’s headquarters in Minna that  the release of the results is coming exactly sixty days after the exams were conducted.
In the analysis for candidates’ general performance by States, Ogun state has the best result as 5,183 students obtained five credits and above in all subjects representing 91.13% while Zamfara state records the worst result with only 59 candidates obtaining 5 credits and above representing 25.65%.
According to Uwakwe “a total of 47,941 candidates registered, out of which 47,118 sat for the examinations, and the number of candidates with five credits including Mathematics and English Language put at 28,530 (60.55%)”.
A total number of 46,024 candidates sat for English language with 33,303 credit pass representing 72.34%, while out of the 45,574 that sat for Mathematics, a total 39,454 candidates got credit pass representing 86.54%.
While putting the number of candidates with malpractice cases at 7,699 representing16.3%, Abia state records the highest case with 953 candidates representing 12.37%, with Edo state as least state in malpractices recording only 8 case representing 0.10%. English has the highest case with 1,162 candidates involved.
Uwakwe advised candidates to access their results on NECO website, using their Examination Registration Number and scratch cards.


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